WRS Chapter 2.1 (Preview)

Arc 2 - Chapter One

The studio was in a mess, the makeup artist was busy applying makeup for Mo Ming, and the assistant was using a towel to wipe away the water on his face.

It was a hot day, all the staff members were inevitably somewhat dissatisfied. However, they encountered Ji Luoge this sort of master, his arrogance was big enough to be deadly, yet he didn’t have a single bit of acting skills.

A simple scene of spilling water, Ji Luoge had already gone back and forth for more than a dozen takes.

Any discerning eye could see that Ji Luoge was deliberately targeting Mo Ming. The irony was that Ji Luoge’s acting was so lame, and when he apologizes, the smugness in the corner of his eyes couldn’t be hidden. Yet he still thought his covering-up was very good, honestly believing that no one would know?


Full chapter moved to Foxaholic! Read it here >>


  1. Waaa thank you so much for picking this up!!! And don't worry, the translation is fine and smooth as hell!

    I'm so excited yooooo ❤

  2. This is great! Can't wait to see more of our lovely MC's misadventures!

  3. ‹‹\(´Ï‰` ๑ )/››‹‹\( ๑´)/›› ‹‹\( ๑´Ï‰`)/››~♪
    Great really great.
    Thanks for collecting this !!💕💕💕

  4. Hehe I don't like this Mo Ming already, like I feel like he's staged everything before, in the past life, like, idk, it looked like he just wanted ML and wanted to take him away because he feels like he's better than the original? I mean he was. Until our MC came. XD thanks for the chapter~~

  5. Thanks for picking this up!

  6. please make the font bigger

    thanks 4 the chapter.........

    1. Thanks for the feedback! Is it better now?


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